Plant Your Prayers
Tobacco is a sacred plant in indigenous traditions. This mapacho was grown by dear friends, farmers with considerably more talent than I. At Taos Earth Children, we don't foist spirituality on the kids, but we don't exclude it either. We bless our food before meals, and give thanks for the earth, but we don't invoke any particular religion. We honor them all. On this particular day, I offered a small pinch to each child and told them they could offer it to the canyon, the earth, the stones, the animals - if they wanted to. Some spoke a word out loud, "this is for the sun", "this is for the snow". Others said nothing. Regardless of what one thinks of religion, spirituality, ghosts and goblins - it's nice to give thanks. It's even a human need. Giving form to that, then easing off, allows the kids to explore this relationship for themselves.