A Word of Thanks
This is Silke Markowski. She is the soul - the angel, if you will - behind Off Grid Kids. I (Joe) am just the messenger. Everything I share, I share because of her. A Waldorf educator for over 30 years, Silke has touched the lives and hearts of more children, and their parents, than most people can name. And she's no bull**** either. She's the real deal, pure unadulterated life, having helped raise hundreds of strong, independent boys and girls, many of which are now grown men and women. I will never be able to repay the gifts she has passed on to me, but I have promised myself one thing - I will try. Off Grid Kids is, in part, an attempt to pay it forward to other parents, teachers and human beings, and most important of all - our children. I have been given a great fortune in life, that is, happiness. I believe I am required to give it back, to share. I expect to stumble frequently. I am sometimes too cutesy, too clever, too awkward, dorky or daft. I am full of self-doubt. There are a million reasons why I won't succeed, but Silke is one reason why I will.